Thursday, 8 February 2018

Useful One on One Crit

We streamlined my topic and made it more comprehensible:

"To what extent has technological advancement in character animation allowed the potential to create more nuanced and empathetic characters?"

CGI characters are more realistic to the extent that they act as if they were live action. I'll reference live action filmmaking techniques that imbue characters with emotion, such as the Kuleshov effect, and analyse the importance of other variables on how a character feels such as the context of a scene or the cinematography.

The Kuleshov effect tells us that the audience can derive emotion from a character's neutral expression by seeing the context they're in.

I'll study the uncanny valley, which is the point where an animated character becomes realistically human but not quite. The slight inaccuracies are jarring and disconcerting and make the character hard to relate to.

This crit helped cement what I'd like to make for my practical piece; a series of aide by side facial animation clips in different mediums, and then seeing how each of them resonate with an audience.

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