Monday 13 November 2017

Images and THEORY Relating to Movement in Animation (STUDY TASK 3)

Concepts I'm keen to explore:

  • Movement
  • Character
  • Storytelling
  • Technology
  • Evolution of animated films
Moodboard of images relating to my topic

1920s cel animation
When films were silent, characters were exaggerated to tell stories clearly. They displayed 2 or 3 character traits through physicality. Characters were simpler, motivations were simpler. Stories were simpler.

Exaggerated emotions
With advancements in animation technology, characters had more nuanced movement and thus more subtle, complex emotions.

Hilty, G. 2013. Watch Me Move: The Animation Show, Merrell, London
"The second type of character to flourish in animation was the more sustained personality whose motivations could mature over the course of a longer film." - Watch Me Move - The Animation Show

The advancement of technology relates back to my topic of how characters evolved and how animated characters grew more nuanced alongside this new technology

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