Animation 1: Criminal Tango (1985), Dir - Solveig Von Kleist, France
This film was made by scratching directly onto the film reel and was inspired by Hollywood film noir. At the time of production, geopolitical tensions between the West and the Communist Eastern Bloc rose as an arms race took place. France played a large role in the Cold War, building it's foreign policy first in conjunction with, and then in opposition to, the United States
Animation 2: Doctor Bees (2013), Dir - Harry Partridge, UK
Harry Partridge makes short form online cartoons, often steeply based in parody and satire. Dr Bees was released at a time when superhero films were hugely popular worldwide. They were what cowboy films were to people in the 1950s. Britain had just hosted the London 2012 Olympic Games, but that's unrelated to the message of this animation.
Animation 3: Piconzé (1972), Dir -Ype Nakashima, Brazil
This was Brazil's first ever animated film released in colour. It was released when the watergate scandal took place, which saw the impeachment of President Nixon following a string of crimes involving illegal campaign funding and sabotage of political opponents by an organisation named CREEP (Campaign to Re-Elect the President). In Brazil at that time, the Brazil Independence Cup was taking place to mark the 150th anniversary of the country's independence from Portugal.
Animation 4: Garbancito De La Mancha (1945), Dir - Arturo Moreno, Spain
This was Spain's first animated feature film in which an orphan child fights an ogre to rescue his friends. The classic story of an underdog hero championing a great threat was a popular one during this era. The film was released under difficult circumstances with the turbulence of the 2nd World War. At the time, Spain was ruled by tight-fisted dictator Fransisco Franco and had just been denied entry to the United Nations after the war.
Animation 5: Beloved Beauty (1958), Dir - Vladimir Degtyaryov, Russia