I knew that I wanted to do something a little abstract, with a subjective meaning, for my 12 frame proposal. I mean, not TOTALLY abstract. Lord knows I haven't done enough MIND BENDING DRUGS to venture into that territory yet. The topic of how the social elite run the world has been covered a lot across all art forms, and I wasn't keen on making anything with a blatant message of how we should be all out fighting the revolution or something like that. Firstly, it would be hypocritical of me as I'm currently doing naff all to aid in the revolution, even though I probably should be out firebombing the post office or something.
Secondly, I want to make mine light hearted. I ended up going with an concept about cheeky cartoon apes and while it does have a deeper subtext, it can be fun on MULTIPLE LEVELS. That's what I meant by wanting to to be subjective.
Just like how Watership Down can be interpreted as a wacky comedy where the joke is that the animals can talk. HOW CAN THEY TALK LOL?
Anyway, I experimented a teeny bit with colour earlier, which is where I got this idea. I began with the VERY BASIC concept that RED = underclass and BLUE = social elite. That is what those colours represent on the French flag. It looks pretty ugly because I only just slapped some colours on it, but the THING TO NOTICE is that I made everything sort of an amorphous blob with slight details, so the colour and expressiveness are the most important parts of these drawings, which I want to convey in my final 12 frame proposal. It's a teeny bit abstract.
Colour should play an important role in my final thing as it's very emotive and it has a bunch of SYMBOLISM behind it. Red is so often associated with wild revolutionary firebrands, while the colour blue reminds us of, well, blue-bloods. The lame aristos and stuff.